A set of radio buttons to select a single option from a list.


Use the v-model directive to control the value of the RadioGroup or the default-value prop to set the initial value when you do not need to control its state.


Use the items prop as an array of strings, numbers or booleans:

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['System', 'Light', 'Dark'])
const value = ref('System')

  <URadioGroup v-model="value" :items="items" />

You can also pass an array of objects with the following properties:

This is the first option.

This is the second option.

This is the third option.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    label: 'System',
    description: 'This is the first option.',
    value: 'system'
    label: 'Light',
    description: 'This is the second option.',
    value: 'light'
    label: 'Dark',
    description: 'This is the third option.',
    value: 'dark'
const value = ref('system')

  <URadioGroup v-model="value" :items="items" />
When using objects, you need to reference the value property of the object in the v-model directive or the default-value prop.

Value Key

You can change the property that is used to set the value by using the value-key prop. Defaults to value.

This is the first option.

This is the second option.

This is the third option.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    label: 'System',
    description: 'This is the first option.',
    id: 'system'
    label: 'Light',
    description: 'This is the second option.',
    id: 'light'
    label: 'Dark',
    description: 'This is the third option.',
    id: 'dark'
const value = ref('light')

  <URadioGroup v-model="value" value-key="id" :items="items" />


Use the variant prop to change the variant of the RadioGroup.

Tailored for indie hackers, freelancers and solo founders.

Best suited for small teams, startups and agencies.

Ideal for larger teams and organizations.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    label: 'Pro',
    value: 'pro',
    description: 'Tailored for indie hackers, freelancers and solo founders.'
    label: 'Startup',
    value: 'startup',
    description: 'Best suited for small teams, startups and agencies.'
    label: 'Enterprise',
    value: 'enterprise',
    description: 'Ideal for larger teams and organizations.'

  <URadioGroup variant="table" default-value="pro" :items="items" />


Use the legend prop to set the legend of the RadioGroup.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['System', 'Light', 'Dark'])

  <URadioGroup legend="Theme" default-value="System" :items="items" />


Use the orientation prop to change the orientation of the RadioGroup. Defaults to vertical.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['System', 'Light', 'Dark'])

  <URadioGroup orientation="horizontal" default-value="System" :items="items" />


Use the color prop to change the color of the RadioGroup.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['System', 'Light', 'Dark'])

  <URadioGroup color="neutral" default-value="System" :items="items" />


Use the size prop to change the size of the RadioGroup.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['System', 'Light', 'Dark'])

  <URadioGroup size="xl" default-value="System" :items="items" />


Use the disabled prop to disable the RadioGroup.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['System', 'Light', 'Dark'])

  <URadioGroup disabled default-value="System" :items="items" />



Prop Default Type



The element or component this component should render as.





"error" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "info" | "warning" | "neutral"



"card" | "radio" | "table"



"xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl"



"horizontal" | "vertical"

The orientation the radio buttons are laid out.


(RadioGroupItem | AcceptableValue)[]




When items is an array of objects, select the field to use as the value.




When items is an array of objects, select the field to use as the label.




When items is an array of objects, select the field to use as the description.


null | string | number | Record<string, any>

The value of the radio item that should be checked when initially rendered.

Use when you do not need to control the state of the radio items.



When true, prevents the user from interacting with radio items.



When true, keyboard navigation will loop from last item to first, and vice versa.


null | string | number | Record<string, any>

The controlled value of the radio item to check. Can be binded as v-model.



The name of the field. Submitted with its owning form as part of a name/value pair.



When true, indicates that the user must set the value before the owning form can be submitted.


Partial<{ root: string; fieldset: string; legend: string; item: string; base: string; indicator: string; itemWrapper: string; container: string; wrapper: string; label: string; description: string; }>


Slot Type



{ item: RadioGroupItem | AcceptableValue; modelValue?: AcceptableValue | undefined; }


{ item: RadioGroupItem | AcceptableValue; modelValue?: AcceptableValue | undefined; }


Event Type

[payload: Event]


[payload: string]


[value: AcceptableValue | undefined]


export default defineAppConfig({
  ui: {
    radioGroup: {
      slots: {
        root: 'relative',
        fieldset: 'flex',
        legend: 'mb-1 block font-medium text-(--ui-text)',
        item: 'flex items-start',
        base: 'rounded-full ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-border-accented) focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2',
        indicator: 'flex items-center justify-center size-full rounded-full after:bg-(--ui-bg) after:rounded-full',
        itemWrapper: 'flex',
        container: 'flex items-center',
        wrapper: 'ms-2',
        label: 'block font-medium text-(--ui-text)',
        description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)'
      variants: {
        color: {
          primary: {
            base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary)',
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-primary)'
          secondary: {
            base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-secondary)',
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-secondary)'
          success: {
            base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-success)',
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-success)'
          info: {
            base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-info)',
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-info)'
          warning: {
            base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-warning)',
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-warning)'
          error: {
            base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-error)',
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-error)'
          neutral: {
            base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-border-inverted)',
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-bg-inverted)'
        variant: {
          radio: {},
          card: {
            base: 'ml-4',
            item: 'flex-row-reverse items-center justify-between border-1 border-[var(--ui-border-muted)] rounded-lg'
          table: {
            item: 'border-[var(--ui-border-muted)]'
        orientation: {
          horizontal: {
            itemWrapper: 'flex-row',
            wrapper: 'me-2'
          vertical: {
            itemWrapper: 'flex-col'
        size: {
          xs: {
            fieldset: 'gap-0.5',
            legend: 'text-xs',
            base: 'size-3',
            item: 'text-xs',
            container: 'h-4',
            indicator: 'after:size-1'
          sm: {
            fieldset: 'gap-0.5',
            legend: 'text-xs',
            base: 'size-3.5',
            item: 'text-xs',
            container: 'h-4',
            indicator: 'after:size-1'
          md: {
            fieldset: 'gap-1',
            legend: 'text-sm',
            base: 'size-4',
            item: 'text-sm',
            container: 'h-5',
            indicator: 'after:size-1.5'
          lg: {
            fieldset: 'gap-1',
            legend: 'text-sm',
            base: 'size-4.5',
            item: 'text-sm',
            container: 'h-5',
            indicator: 'after:size-1.5'
          xl: {
            fieldset: 'gap-1.5',
            legend: 'text-base',
            base: 'size-5',
            item: 'text-base',
            container: 'h-6',
            indicator: 'after:size-2'
        disabled: {
          true: {
            base: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75',
            label: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
        required: {
          true: {
            legend: "after:content-['*'] after:ms-0.5 after:text-(--ui-error)"
      compoundVariants: [
          size: 'xs',
          variant: 'card',
          class: {
            item: 'p-2.5',
            itemWrapper: 'gap-2'
          size: 'sm',
          variant: 'card',
          class: {
            item: 'p-3',
            itemWrapper: 'gap-2.5'
          size: 'md',
          variant: 'card',
          class: {
            item: 'p-3.5',
            itemWrapper: 'gap-2.5'
          size: 'lg',
          variant: 'card',
          class: {
            item: 'p-4',
            itemWrapper: 'gap-3.5'
          size: 'xl',
          variant: 'card',
          class: {
            item: 'p-4.5',
            itemWrapper: 'gap-3.5'
          size: 'xs',
          variant: 'table',
          class: {
            item: 'p-2.5',
            itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
          size: 'sm',
          variant: 'table',
          class: {
            item: 'p-3',
            itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
          size: 'md',
          variant: 'table',
          class: {
            item: 'p-3.5',
            itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
          size: 'lg',
          variant: 'table',
          class: {
            item: 'p-4',
            itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
          size: 'xl',
          variant: 'table',
          class: {
            item: 'p-4.5',
            itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          variant: 'table',
          class: {
            item: 'first:rounded-l-lg last:rounded-r-lg not-last:-ml-0.25 border-1'
          orientation: 'vertical',
          variant: 'table',
          class: {
            item: 'first:rounded-t-lg last:rounded-b-lg not-last:-mb-0.25 border-1'
          color: 'primary',
          variant: 'card',
          class: {
            item: 'data-[checked=true]:border-[var(--ui-primary)]'
          color: 'neutral',
          variant: 'card',
          class: {
            item: 'data-[checked=true]:border-[var(--ui-border-elevated)]'
          color: 'primary',
          variant: 'table',
          class: {
            item: 'data-[checked=true]:relative data-[checked=true]:bg-[var(--ui-primary)]/20 data-[checked=true]:border-[var(--ui-primary)]/20'
      defaultVariants: {
        size: 'md',
        color: 'primary',
        variant: 'radio'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import ui from '@nuxt/ui/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      ui: {
        radioGroup: {
          slots: {
            root: 'relative',
            fieldset: 'flex',
            legend: 'mb-1 block font-medium text-(--ui-text)',
            item: 'flex items-start',
            base: 'rounded-full ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-border-accented) focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2',
            indicator: 'flex items-center justify-center size-full rounded-full after:bg-(--ui-bg) after:rounded-full',
            itemWrapper: 'flex',
            container: 'flex items-center',
            wrapper: 'ms-2',
            label: 'block font-medium text-(--ui-text)',
            description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)'
          variants: {
            color: {
              primary: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-primary)'
              secondary: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-secondary)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-secondary)'
              success: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-success)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-success)'
              info: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-info)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-info)'
              warning: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-warning)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-warning)'
              error: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-error)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-error)'
              neutral: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-border-inverted)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-bg-inverted)'
            variant: {
              radio: {},
              card: {
                base: 'ml-4',
                item: 'flex-row-reverse items-center justify-between border-1 border-[var(--ui-border-muted)] rounded-lg'
              table: {
                item: 'border-[var(--ui-border-muted)]'
            orientation: {
              horizontal: {
                itemWrapper: 'flex-row',
                wrapper: 'me-2'
              vertical: {
                itemWrapper: 'flex-col'
            size: {
              xs: {
                fieldset: 'gap-0.5',
                legend: 'text-xs',
                base: 'size-3',
                item: 'text-xs',
                container: 'h-4',
                indicator: 'after:size-1'
              sm: {
                fieldset: 'gap-0.5',
                legend: 'text-xs',
                base: 'size-3.5',
                item: 'text-xs',
                container: 'h-4',
                indicator: 'after:size-1'
              md: {
                fieldset: 'gap-1',
                legend: 'text-sm',
                base: 'size-4',
                item: 'text-sm',
                container: 'h-5',
                indicator: 'after:size-1.5'
              lg: {
                fieldset: 'gap-1',
                legend: 'text-sm',
                base: 'size-4.5',
                item: 'text-sm',
                container: 'h-5',
                indicator: 'after:size-1.5'
              xl: {
                fieldset: 'gap-1.5',
                legend: 'text-base',
                base: 'size-5',
                item: 'text-base',
                container: 'h-6',
                indicator: 'after:size-2'
            disabled: {
              true: {
                base: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75',
                label: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
            required: {
              true: {
                legend: "after:content-['*'] after:ms-0.5 after:text-(--ui-error)"
          compoundVariants: [
              size: 'xs',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'p-2.5',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-2'
              size: 'sm',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'p-3',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-2.5'
              size: 'md',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'p-3.5',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-2.5'
              size: 'lg',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'p-4',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-3.5'
              size: 'xl',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'p-4.5',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-3.5'
              size: 'xs',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'p-2.5',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
              size: 'sm',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'p-3',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
              size: 'md',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'p-3.5',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
              size: 'lg',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'p-4',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
              size: 'xl',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'p-4.5',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'first:rounded-l-lg last:rounded-r-lg not-last:-ml-0.25 border-1'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'first:rounded-t-lg last:rounded-b-lg not-last:-mb-0.25 border-1'
              color: 'primary',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'data-[checked=true]:border-[var(--ui-primary)]'
              color: 'neutral',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'data-[checked=true]:border-[var(--ui-border-elevated)]'
              color: 'primary',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'data-[checked=true]:relative data-[checked=true]:bg-[var(--ui-primary)]/20 data-[checked=true]:border-[var(--ui-primary)]/20'
          defaultVariants: {
            size: 'md',
            color: 'primary',
            variant: 'radio'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import uiPro from '@nuxt/ui-pro/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      ui: {
        radioGroup: {
          slots: {
            root: 'relative',
            fieldset: 'flex',
            legend: 'mb-1 block font-medium text-(--ui-text)',
            item: 'flex items-start',
            base: 'rounded-full ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-border-accented) focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2',
            indicator: 'flex items-center justify-center size-full rounded-full after:bg-(--ui-bg) after:rounded-full',
            itemWrapper: 'flex',
            container: 'flex items-center',
            wrapper: 'ms-2',
            label: 'block font-medium text-(--ui-text)',
            description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)'
          variants: {
            color: {
              primary: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-primary)'
              secondary: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-secondary)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-secondary)'
              success: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-success)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-success)'
              info: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-info)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-info)'
              warning: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-warning)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-warning)'
              error: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-error)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-error)'
              neutral: {
                base: 'focus-visible:outline-(--ui-border-inverted)',
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-bg-inverted)'
            variant: {
              radio: {},
              card: {
                base: 'ml-4',
                item: 'flex-row-reverse items-center justify-between border-1 border-[var(--ui-border-muted)] rounded-lg'
              table: {
                item: 'border-[var(--ui-border-muted)]'
            orientation: {
              horizontal: {
                itemWrapper: 'flex-row',
                wrapper: 'me-2'
              vertical: {
                itemWrapper: 'flex-col'
            size: {
              xs: {
                fieldset: 'gap-0.5',
                legend: 'text-xs',
                base: 'size-3',
                item: 'text-xs',
                container: 'h-4',
                indicator: 'after:size-1'
              sm: {
                fieldset: 'gap-0.5',
                legend: 'text-xs',
                base: 'size-3.5',
                item: 'text-xs',
                container: 'h-4',
                indicator: 'after:size-1'
              md: {
                fieldset: 'gap-1',
                legend: 'text-sm',
                base: 'size-4',
                item: 'text-sm',
                container: 'h-5',
                indicator: 'after:size-1.5'
              lg: {
                fieldset: 'gap-1',
                legend: 'text-sm',
                base: 'size-4.5',
                item: 'text-sm',
                container: 'h-5',
                indicator: 'after:size-1.5'
              xl: {
                fieldset: 'gap-1.5',
                legend: 'text-base',
                base: 'size-5',
                item: 'text-base',
                container: 'h-6',
                indicator: 'after:size-2'
            disabled: {
              true: {
                base: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75',
                label: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
            required: {
              true: {
                legend: "after:content-['*'] after:ms-0.5 after:text-(--ui-error)"
          compoundVariants: [
              size: 'xs',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'p-2.5',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-2'
              size: 'sm',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'p-3',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-2.5'
              size: 'md',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'p-3.5',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-2.5'
              size: 'lg',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'p-4',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-3.5'
              size: 'xl',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'p-4.5',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-3.5'
              size: 'xs',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'p-2.5',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
              size: 'sm',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'p-3',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
              size: 'md',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'p-3.5',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
              size: 'lg',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'p-4',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
              size: 'xl',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'p-4.5',
                itemWrapper: 'gap-0'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'first:rounded-l-lg last:rounded-r-lg not-last:-ml-0.25 border-1'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'first:rounded-t-lg last:rounded-b-lg not-last:-mb-0.25 border-1'
              color: 'primary',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'data-[checked=true]:border-[var(--ui-primary)]'
              color: 'neutral',
              variant: 'card',
              class: {
                item: 'data-[checked=true]:border-[var(--ui-border-elevated)]'
              color: 'primary',
              variant: 'table',
              class: {
                item: 'data-[checked=true]:relative data-[checked=true]:bg-[var(--ui-primary)]/20 data-[checked=true]:border-[var(--ui-primary)]/20'
          defaultVariants: {
            size: 'md',
            color: 'primary',
            variant: 'radio'
Some colors in compoundVariants are omitted for readability. Check out the source code on GitHub.